Mittwoch, 8. Dezember 2010

Mastercard down

So it seems that i cant use my mastercard at the moment... That sucks because i need cash! Hopefully this will go away in a few hours.

7 Kommentare:

  1. hahaha yeah rite, you're affected by this. thats excellent. by no regards am i attacking mastercard but i dunno i just like to see huge establishments getting fucked in the ass. oh and picture is usually never related.

  2. The MasterCard thing is actually more serios. A lot serious. Google it.

  3. is this related to the Juian Assange thing?

  4. The "Operation Payback" guys are annoying me now.
    Julian Assange is the RIAA & MPAA's man of the year. They'll get a blank check in Washington thanks to him.
