Dienstag, 16. November 2010


Well in the comments yesterday someone asked me to talk about food, so here goes!

Actually i dont have a really strong opinion on food, only that you should try to cook it yourself.
You dont have to do it everyday, but every other day. Preparing your own food and using fresh and healthy ingredients makes your life so much better! You feel better and fitter.
Next time dont go out and eat McDonalds or order some chinese takeaway, just make yourself a nice dinner!

For some great cooking advice visit fellwo blogger Nudelsalat at

See you tomorrow with another post!

22 Kommentare:

  1. lol. nice. Thanks for the food blog. I'm a huge fan of cooking myself.

  2. Hahaha smart advice :P

    Like your blog. Could you write about pc games?

  3. actually I already know him :P his blog is as great as yours!

  4. this is a good follow up to your last post

  5. I agree, home-cooked food pretty much always tastes better :)

  6. sweet! gonna check it out right now

  7. i definitely agree that cooking for yourself is way better. i always end up eating out for breakfast and lunch because i'm lazy, but i always try to make dinner myself
